這是 w3HexSchool 鼠年全馬鐵人挑戰 Week 2 唷
這是 Elixir 從零開始 系列 01 唷
Elixir 是什麼?它於 1983 年誕生於日本,帶著先進膠原蛋白保養技術問世。
相信大家第一個 Google 到的都是保養品網站
記得在輸入關鍵字的時候多打一個 lang
也就是 elixir lang
就像搜尋 Go 語言大家會打 golang
一樣,比較不會被 Google 誤會你要 go 去哪裡啦
What is Elixir
Elixir 是一個基於 Erlang 虛擬機器的函數式、面向並列的通用程式語言。Elixir 以 Erlang 為基礎,支援分散式、高容錯、即時應用程式的開發,亦可通過巨集實現元程式設計對其進行擴充,並通過協定支援多型。[1]
José Valim 是 Elixir 語言的設計者。他創造該語言的目標是在維持與現有 Erlang 工具鏈及生態環境相容性的同時,讓人們可以在 Erlang 虛擬機器上進行擴充性更好的、高生產率的開發。[2]
簡單來講 Elixir
- 一個基於 Erlang 的新語言,提供更好的程式開發效率
- 是 Functional programming
- 設計者為 José Valim
優點:這邊可以說是繼承了 Erlang 的優點,Erlang 什麼地方好棒棒 Elixir 就一樣好棒棒
這裡提供 Elixir in Action 這本書提出關於 Erlang 的優點
Fault-tolerance—A system has to keep working when something unforeseen happens.
Unexpected errors occur, bugs creep in, components occasionally fail, network
connections drop, or the entire machine where the system is running crashes.
Whatever happens, you want to localize the impact of an error as much as possible,
recover from the error, and keep the system running and providing service.
Scalability—A system should be able to handle any possible load. Of course, you
don’t buy tons of hardware just in case the entire planet’s population might start
using your system some day. But you should be able to respond to a load increase
by adding more hardware resources without any software intervention. Ideally,
this should be possible without a system restart.
Distribution—To make a system that never stops, you have to run it on multiple
machines. This promotes the overall stability of the system: if a machine is taken
down, another one can take over. Furthermore, this gives you the means to scale
horizontally — you can address load increase by adding more machines to the
system, thus adding work units to support the higher demand.
Responsiveness—It goes without saying that a system should always be reasonably fast
and responsive. Request handling shouldn’t be drastically prolonged, even if the
load increases or unexpected errors happen. In particular, occasional lengthy tasks
shouldn’t block the rest of the system or have a significant effect on performance.
Live update—In some cases, you may want to push a new version of your software
without restarting any servers. For example, in a telephone system, you don’t
want to disconnect established calls while you upgrade the software.
Erlang 是由瑞典的 Ericsson 電信公司發明的,電信公司嘛講求的就是服務不中斷,由上述幾點也可以印證出了服務不中斷的精神喔
Installing Elixir
如果你會用 Docker 那其實很快
1 | docker run -it --rm elixir |
如果你在 mac 環境底下並且已經安裝了 brew
1 | brew update |
1 | brew install elixir |
Setting PATH environment variable
1 | $ where elixir |
接下來就是把路徑設定到你的 shell profile 裡面
1 | export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/elixir" |
1 | $ elixir --version |
Hello World
每個程式最一開始當然不免俗的要來一個 Hello World 一下
最簡單的方法就是使用 interactive shell
在這模式裡面你可以下任何的 Elixir 指令並即時看其結果
1 | $ iex |
最一開始碰 Elixir 其實是強者我同學告訴我的,但那時候滿腦子都是 OOP 就沒有多著墨,剛好最近看到六角學院看到有一個活動 w3HexSchool 鼠年全馬鐵人挑戰的活動,想到以前碰過一下下就丟角落,最近趁這個活動來嘗試一下 Functional programming 的威能啊!